Thursday, April 2, 2009

Musical Memories

Does music every remind you of a certain chapter or person/people in your life? It does me. There are bands that I connect with certain things in my life. Here is a list:

3 Doors Down - My obsession with Neopets.
Linkin Park - My obsession with Elfwood.
Fleet Foxes - Waiting for Minguk to come over to visit me so I wouldn't be lonely all day as well as the smell of Lisa's temporary apartment - a mix of Lotteria and dog.
Barbara Streisand/Patsy Cline - Sitting in Mom's car on a rainy day.
Elvis - Sitting in the living room of our house on Mana Wana looking at the plants and out the window.
Enya - Falling asleep in Lisa's room because I was too scared to sleep by myself.
Pirates of the Caribbean : Curse of the Black Pearl soundtrack - Summers

I'm sure there are more but I just can't think of any at the moment. I'm sure there is a lot of music that reminds me of various things.

Is there any music in particular that reminds you of something or someone from your life? I'd like to know!

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