Monday, March 2, 2009

Shittiest weekend of my life

Saturday didn't start out so bad, it was actually kinda nice. I worked on my process book for Design and played a bunch of pokemon. Then went to a meeting with a bunch of people for my Printing Processes class for a presentation we're doing on Friday. Then came back and lost the stone on the ring that Lisa gave me AGAIN except this time I don't know where the stone is and I can't find it. :((((((( Then yesterday I was sick like all day. I couldn't even walk across the room without like having a seizure and blacking out because all the blood would rush out of my brain so I just laid in the couch all day and slept and then finally went to bed at 8 pm. It was really crappy though because when I'm sick I feel really lonely too because I want someone to take care of me because I couldn't really be standing up in the kitchen and make myself soup so I missed my parents a lot and Minguk and Lisa. But going to bed early helped me avoid it pretty well when it was starting to set in. I didn't go to class this morning because I'd have to operate heavy machinery and stuff and I didn't think it would be safe even though I am feeling much better this morning. I definitely have to go to class today but it'll be ok since I can actually stand for extended periods of time without passing out and I'll be sitting the whole time so I'm not concerned. Anyway, yeah. Blacking out twice yesterday was both not fun and kind of alarming. I figured it was probably just a 24 hour thing and I will get over it with sleep and lots of water and I didn't want to go to the ER for something that would only last the day. And I'm glad I was right. On top of that today I'm experiencing really shitty cramps but it's nothing that ibuprofen won't fix. Despite all of that I'm in a pretty good mood today.

Oh, here's the finished picture of Matt Bellamy I did. I don't think my professor liked it that much, though.

Super Massive Black -Soul- by ~burnbunnyburn on deviantART

1 comment:

Megan said...

aww, I'm sorry you have such a shitty end to the weekend! It's too bad I don't go to Western or I totally would've come and made you soup.

Also, you're professor is dumb. I like it a lot!