Thursday, February 19, 2009

This is why...

I'm going to fail my essay that's due tomorrow...

This is also homework, I'll have you know.

I'm also going to fail the essay because I've found two resources (that are in English) on my topic. On top of that, when you combine those two resources, they don't even come close to how long my essay is supposed to be (the whole two pages that it is). I e-mailed my professor and told her about my dilemma... like 30 minutes ago. Hopefully she won't be angry (she never gets angry so I'm not really worried) and will be able to help me out because I'm in a bit of a hole! I have no problem with having to stay up all night writing the essay. It's only two pages, so I don't really think I'll need to resort to that. I'm just afraid I'll have to BS my way through the whole thing and then end up getting like a C on it. I'm kind of panicked about this whole thing. Also angry with myself for choosing Korean instead of Japanese because I KNEW there would be more information on Japanese but I had to be all... patriotic or whatever. Or CHINESE! That would have been so easy! Baaaah...

1 comment:

Megan said...

You can do it Nastasya!
Plus that picture is totally awesome and worth it.
Also, I hate trying to find articles for papers because half of them are in freaking Chinese! Then they try to trick me by posting the abstract in English. BAH!
Miss you by the way, I suck at friendship =)