Friday, December 19, 2008

21st Life Anniversary

Tomorrow I'm turning 21. Right now it doesn't feel any different from any other day but 21 opens a door to a lifestyle that is completely different from the one that I have right now. I mean, sure, I went to the bars in Korea like every weekend but I have a suspicion that Korean bars and American bars are two very different beasts. I think the thing I'm most excited about tomorrow is just to see the people in the bars and how people communicate and interact with each other in bars. I'm not really looking to get shitfaced or anything. I mean, I don't really even want to get drunk, I want to reach a pleasant buzz and just have fun out with my friends.

Twenty-one years... That's a long time. Almost 1/4 of a century. When I look back, I can't say I really have much or anything to complain about. I have had a really great and privileged life for the most part. However I definitely can't say that if I died tomorrow I would be at peace with it. I am still young and I have a lot, A LOT, that I still want to accomplish with this time I have. I think the 20s is a time when people really should be doing a lot of self reflection and figuring out what it is they want in their life and who they are. This is the time when I should really be living and experiencing as much as I can. I think I've changed a lot even just in this year. Like, I used to be 100% against the idea of ever having children and even doubtful of that thought that I might even ever get married. But a lot has changed and the idea of having children isn't so sickening and the thought of marriage is definitely a possibility that I could live with. However neither of them will happen for a very long time, believe me. Before I get any of that done, especially having children, I really need to sort my own life out which may take a very long time. But there are other things in my life which have changed and I think I may have changed as a person. I'm not really sure how but I think I must have changed. You know I'm not really one to notice change in myself. As much as I like to self reflect, I just don't notice these things. One thing I've noticed about myself is that I've started to think a lot about how I take care of my body. I mean, it's the only one I get and the quality of my life relies so heavily on it so I really believe I need to take really good care of it while I'm young so I can live a good, healthy life in the long run. That's something I never used to worry about when I was younger. In fact, my mind set would be, "meh, I'm young. My body can take it. I'll just take care of it all when I'm older." but when I'm older it will be so much harder to take good care of my body so I need to get ahead while I'm young so I won't have to work so hard and alter my lifestyle so much when I'm older.

Anyway, those types of thoughts lead quite far into the future. Those are the types of thoughts I tend to think, though. But the thing about thinking like that is you don't know what the circumstances will be far down the road. With the way the world is functioning now everything is so unpredictable. Like, North Korea is hearing rumors that South Korea tried to send someone in to assassinate Kim Jung Il... now... that is a really uncomfortable thought for me. I have been hoping and praying (yes, praying) that nothing crazy will happen in either Koreas for the next two years so any hint of hostility with North Korea instantly sets me on edge. I'm hoping that, because Minguk is going to be in the US military, he won't really get involved in anything involving North and South Korea but he's still there and I still worry and America is so, so, SO good at getting up in other country's businesses. I hope that the rumors just stay rumors and it all gets cleared up. I've said this before and I'll say it again: I hate that stupid military law in Korea.

Whoo, I've jumped around quite a bit in this entry. Sorry about this and this is kind of long.

Some extra thoughts, though - the snow.
The snow! It's amazing but at the same time I hate it because it's keeping my Megan away from me and I do hate being away from my Megan. It is beautiful, though. Especially when it's falling. It was great playing with my dogs in the snow.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Day 7

... that was two days ago.

We took Yuki to the vet and he's all sorts of healthy and got his shots so that made me happy. And... I can't remember anything else really from that day. I saw Diana I think. Yeah. That was good.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Day 6

I'm hoooooooooooooooooome!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

In a perfect world...

Untitled by burnbunnyburn

I would be able to buy and wear this outfit and look good in it. haha... I recommend trying this out, it's pretty fun.

Happy Day 5

1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this everyday for a week without fail.

Let's see.... I didn't have finals today like so many other people. But I did have to go to class. We ended up just writing a critique on someone else's project which was randomly handed to us. It was pretty easy. I'm drinking hot chocolate right now which always makes me happy. ^^

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Day 3&4

I was busy and nowhere near a computer pretty much all day yesterday so I didn't manage to get a happy day update up. So here it is X2!!!!


1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this everyday for a week without fail.

I spent the entire day with really awesome people - Lisa, Grace, Meghan, Kaci, Kayla, and Johnny. We had breakfast and then Lisa, Grace and I went walking around Fairhaven and went into a bunch of little shops full of things that were way too expensive for me to buy but really nice to look at. OMG I'm totally getting my custom bedding from that shop in Fairhaven because it was to diiiiiiie foooooorrrrr~~ There were also some incredble paintings that I wanted so badly but they usually were around $200+ so... no. Then after the window shopping (oh and I bought Ainsley her Christmas presents) we went to CreativiTEA and everyone painted really cute stuff. I really liked the way mine turned out and I hope it will fire nicely. I guess I'll have to wait and see, though. After CreativiTEA, we took Grace to see the campus and showed her around (even though it was dark) and Lisa locked us out of the car. Normally this wouldn't make me happy except for the fact that I've been locked out of my car so many times now and it doesn't even phase me anymore because I know, one way or another, I'm getting in. But it was fun watching the young Green Coat try to break into our car. Finally Lisa MIRACULOUSLY figured it out by rolling down the car window on the inside and sticking her hand in to unlock it. It was pretty much amazing and I wish you all could have been there to see it. So after that we went to dinner at La Fiamma and ate super good pizza and then went to Kaci and Johnny's and played games and sleeeept. So yesterday was pretty much all around a really happy day! ^^


1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this everyday for a week without fail.

Today I got to eat an AMAZING breakfast at Old Town. It was granola and yogurt and fruit. OMG It was SO GOOD. Like.... the best breakfast ever. I love granola so freaking much and this granola was the best I've ever had so... yeah. And Grace offered to pay for breakfast so that was really nice. ^^ After breakfast I went home and then Ainsley and I went to campus and I got $19.25 for my books that I sold back. Not a huge sum but it's money that I won't have to take out of my checking account so that's great. After that I worked on my last design assigment for about 4 hours. It was kind of nice because I was in this zone of work and efficiency. I like how it came out but I might go back and lighten it because it printed a little dark. ALSO WE'RE OPENING PRESENTS TODAY! I LOVE MATERIAL GOODS!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy Day 2

1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this everyday for a week without fail.

-I went out to brunch with Ainlsey to The Little Cheerful. Always a pleasant time.
-I bought Lisa her Christmas present so I'm just that much closer to finishing that portion of the holidays.
-I bought a new papercraft robot from a SUUUUUUPER cute toy store downtown.(even though I kind of ruined him because I cut off something that I wasn't supposed to but it's still fun to do.)

It was all-in-all a good day. Very low-key and relaxing. I love not having finals, hahaha...

But to those lovely people who do, I wish you all the best luck!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Day 1

1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this everyday for a week without fail.

- I got to sleep in because my professor basically canceled today's Japanese class (he said come if you want to watch a movie or just don't come).
- I watched two episodes of Ghost Adventures.
- I ate ketchup and rice as part of my dinner. :3

Oooh... but while watching Ghost Adventures, Ainsley and I ate some graham crackers and frosting and now my stomach feels kind of funny. That one top of all the other candy I ate today. I hate the holidays. They make me such a nut for candy which I haven't actually eaten in a long time so my body is flipping shit about it to me. :(


Thursday, December 4, 2008

A survey before I go and do something productive...

1)Are you really ready for 100 questions?
Yes! Let's get this time wasting party started!

2) Was your last relationship a mistake?
The one that I'm not currently in... yeah.

3) Do you believe in God?
Maybe not the same god that Christians believe in.

4) Who did you last say "I love you" to?
Uuuh.... my mom probably.

5) Do you regret it?
Of course not

6) Have you ever been depressed?
lol yeah

7) Do you have a best friend?
A couple :3

8) Are you a boy or girl?
What do you think?

9) What is your relationship status?
In a relationship with Minguk Lee.

10) How do you want to die?
Heroin overdose on my death bed. Or in an epic gun battle.

11) What did you last eat?
Sour Patch Kids

12) When was your last non-physical fight?
I can't remember

13) Do you have an attitude?
Yeah sometimes. I used to be pretty bad when I was younger, though. I think I've calmed down considerably these days, though.

14) Ever been in love?

15) What is your real name?
Awesome McCoolpants

16) Do you hate anyone at the moment?
Not really.

17) Do you miss someone?

18) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?

19) Do you tan a lot?
I don't GO tanning but if I'm out in the sun a lot then I will tan.

20) Have any pets?
Two doggies!

21) How exactly are you feeling?
I kind of regret eating so many sour patch kids because my stomach feels a little funny and my tongue hurts. But otherwise I'm just peachy.

22) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?
Um... yes?

23) Ever made out in the bathroom?
Uuuh... yeah. Now that I think about it.

24) Would you take any of your exes back?
All one? No. Never.

25) Are you scared of spiders?
More creeped out than scared. I'm afraid of them crawling into my mouth as I sleep.

26) Would you go back in time if you could.
Maybe. Depends on what time.

27) Do you regret anything in your past?
Of course. But I like to try to take them as life lessons and not dwell on them and depress myself.

28) What are your plans for this weekend?
Hmm... well I think Lisa and Grace are coming up on Saturday so I guess I might hang out with them if they'll let me. Then probably drawing and dicking around on the computer and sleeping and stuuuuffffff.

29) Do you want to have kids?
Not right now but maybe in the future once I get all of my own shit together (which may be never).

30) Ever kissed somebody that name starts with an M?

31) Do you type fast?
Fast but not accurate!

32) Do you have piercings?
I let the ones in my ears fill back in but I kind of want to get them repierced... but I probably won't.

33) Want any more?
I would like to get my lip pierced but A. Might not be good for a teaching job later on down the road B. It fucks up your teeth C. I don't want to pay for expensive fancy metal D. I hear they get infected pretty easily.

34) Can you spell well?

35) Do you miss anyone from your past?
Yeah but it's been so long now. Our lives are so different and I doubt we will cross paths any time soon. But it's nice to reminisce about them.

36) What are you craving right now?
I'm not really hungry now. But I'm looking forward for this tea to cool so I can drink it and soothe my tummy.

37) Ever been to a bonfire party?
A party specifically for a bonfire...? No.

38) Have you ever been on a horse?
Yeah twice. And they both shat when I sat on them. D:

39) Kissed someone in a truck?
In a big shitty SUV, yes. Truck, no.

40) Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Lisa says I have but I don't really think I truly have broken anyone's heart.

41) Have you ever been cheated on?
Not to my knowledge.

42) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
I think I made Brandon cry a little when I broke up with him. I almost laughed at him but I'm not that cold hearted of a bitch. Other than that, I don't think so.

43) Would you live with someone without marrying them?
Yeah I think that's the best idea. It's like a trial period.

44) What should you be doing?

45) What's irritating you right now?
The nagging voice in my head that's telling me to either study something or read something.

46) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurt?
Oh yes.

47) Does somebody love you besides family?
I hope so!

48) What is your favorite color?
Green and black

49) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
I have taken off my shirt in a vehicle because it was so effing hot.

50) Have you ever shaved in the kitchen sink?

51) Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Yes. My parents are awesome.

52) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?
I hope not.

53) Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Uuummmmmmmmm...... Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh........ I can't even remember.

54) Do you give out second chances too easily?
I haven't really had the option of giving people second chances. But I like to think I'm pretty forgiving.

55) Is it easier to forgive or forget?
It's easier to forgive for me. I always have haunting thoughts of whatever. I even still think of stuff that's happeend when I was really, really young.

56) Is this year the best year of your life?
I'm going to have to go and say it's pretty high up there. More awesome friend time would have been nice, though.

57) What was your child hood nickname?

58) Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
*makes a face* No!

59) Do you think you' re a good person?

60) Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
I don't think there's really a set path but I think you can take everything which happens as happening for a reason... if that helps you cope with ever shit goes on in your life.

61) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Did my pre-bed routine of brushing my teeth and crunches/leg exercises and put lotion on.

62) Is there anyone you wish was still in your life? Who?
I guess some friends from high school... but... not really....

63) What is bothering you?
The carpet under my chair that keeps getting caught on the leg whenever I push it out to stand up. GAH

64) Have you ever been out of state province?

65) Are you listening to music right now?
Yes, Muse.

66) Do you like Chinese food?
Yeeeaaaaahhhhhhhh..... Yum.

67) Do you know your fathers b-day?
Yep. January 31st.

68) Are you afraid of the dark?
When I'm alone and not tired enough to go to sleep quickly, yes.

69) Is cheating ever okay?
When you cheat you're only cheating yourself. heh...

70) Are you mean?

71) Can you keep white shoes clean?
No. DX

72) Have you noticed this survey stopped getting personal?
Not really. But I have been noticing that those personal questions all have to do with "exes" and some people don't have exes to be had.

73) Do you believe in true love?
Of course~

74) Do you like the outside?
Very much.

75) Are you currently bored?
Yes! And I have things to do but no drive to do them!

76) Do you wanna get married?
Sure. Not any time soon, though.

77) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Not really. I prefer more personal nicknames. Or no nicknames at all.

78) Are you hungry?

79) Do you have a bank account?
Nope, I'm five years old. Fuck, of course I do.

80) What makes you happy?
Lots of things. My friends, family, boyfriend, thinking of all three of those, a drawing I'm proud of, a good TV show, good music, good food, good beverage, relaxing, sunny days... the list goes on.

81) Would you change your name?
No. I used to hate it because no one could pronounce it but now I've realized that if someone can't pronounce it after me repeating it five times then they're just a twat and my name is cool.

82) Ever been to Alaska?

83) Do you watch the news?
Sometimes but not often.

84) What' s your zodiac sign?
Sagittarius. The cool one.

85) Do you like Subway?
You mean do I like soggy sandwiches with shitty lettuce and hardly anything on them? No.

86) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
That person probably being one of my parents so... yeah it would because they're about two hours away from me right now.

87) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Feel really awkward.

88) Do you like your friends?
No. They're fucking losers. JK. ILU, friendsies!

89) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?
Almost every time I see someone I'm not super!awesome friends with, yes. I hate stupid, awkward small talk.

90) Who is the last guy you talked to?
Er, uh... Mark? On the google talk.

91) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?
Yes. I wouldn't break up with him or anything but I'd really rather prefer it if he didn't. And he would have to wash his mouth out with listerine every time after he smoked.

92) What's going on between you and your best friend?
I think we're all pretty fine and dandy and working hard(?) on our school work. I'm super excited to see you guys this winter break! I miss yooouuu!!!

93) Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Probably Megan because she's the only person I have deep conversations with (even if they're not all that deep).

94) Have you ever regretted letting someone go?

95) Do you enjoy piercings & tattoos?
As long as they're tasteful

96) What do you wear more: jeans, sweats, or shorts?

97) You're a Sharpie marker, what color are you?
Black. Not because of my soul (which, yes, is a black abyss) but because it's the most practical.

98) Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning?
In the morning because it helps me wake up.

99) Have you ever said you'd never love again?
No. That's a stupid thing to say.

100) Do you want to please everyone?
You can't please everyone. I want to please the people I love and who love me.

HAY! Check this out!
(You have to clicky click on it to see the full image)

Finished it a couple of days ago.

Time to go do something productive now.