Sunday, November 30, 2008

Quizzes and Thanksgiving and stuff

Your rainbow is intensely shaded white, green, and violet.

What is says about you: You are a contemplative person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

This Thanksgiving was pretty different from most of the Thanksgivings I'm used to. We just had a Thanksgiving with the four of us and the Miner family (close family friends) and, of course, my Halmony. We had a very delicious meal with a prime rib as the entree. As far as Thanksgivings go, it didn't really seem very Thanksgiving-y to me. Not that I'm complaining. I like just being able to spend time with people I like, whether it's a holiday or not. I did think about what I am thankful for, though. Like the fact that we have such amazing food to put on the table and that, at least at the moment and hopefully not for a very long time, I won't have to worry about whether or not I will be able to put foo don the table. I have amazing friends and family and the best boyfriend I could hope for (even if I can't even talk to him on the phone for another few weeks). I guess, like Megan's cousin, I am thankful for being able to have hope for the future. Anyway, it was a good Thanksgiving.

Yesterday Lisa, Kory and I went hiking which was fun. I was having a really good time until we realized that they lied to us and it seriously COULD NOT have been just a 4 mile hike up. I don't know what was going on there. It seemed like it took forever. I was getting pretty frustrated/bored though. I don't even really regret turning back prematurely. I was so wet, frozen and tired by that time that I just wanted to get the fuck back down to the starting point. The mountain will be there some other time and then I'll be ready and prepared for how long it truly is. THE MOUNTAIN WILL BE DEFEATED!

Anyway, I'm crazy tired.

Here's a digital painting I did a week or so ago. (click)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Life and things and stuff

I feel like I should make an update of my life other than the fact that I don't have money. Well, I do have money, I just don't have money to buy the things I want anymore. Which I guess is OK. There's no reason to be frivolous. But no new computer for me for a few more months. :(

Anyway, other than that not much has happened. Lisa is over from Korea and she stayed with me for about five days which was cool. It was nice to have someone to hang out with other than the usual Ainsley and Sara and Justine. I haven't been in the best mood, lately, though so I feel like I probably wasn't as nice to Lisa as I should have been... :/ I'm probably never as nice to people as I should be, haha. I'm just a mean person, I guess. ^^;

Diana's big 2-1 was on Saturday (though we celebrated on Friday) and it was really cool to get together with some of my most favorite people and celebrate with her! It's a big step, I feel. Although it's just another year older... being alive for 21 years is kind of a lot. I mean, it's not old, but a lot sure has happened in 21 years, haha. So congratulations to Diana for surviving this long! Let's hope there are much more than 21 years to come.

Other than that stuff not much has really changed about my life since the last time I made a real post. Oh, I drew a picture a while ago that I didn't put up.

I've been kind of in an art slump lately, though. I want to draw but I either don't have time or inspiration or both. Bah. School. I've pretty much just been studying and reading and sleeping. I can't wait until this quarter is over. Then at least next quarter all of my homework will probably be something art related... which I may or may not hate. We'll see.

Anyway, this smelly kid needs to go take a shower.

P.S. Here is a picture of Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland" I'm not really sure how I feel about it yet. It's definitely Tim Burton-y but it kind of looks... well... transvestite. But whatever. It might not be a final decision of his costume. Plus, Johnny Depp can definitely pull it off, I think. But I'm really looking forward to the movie. ^^ I think Alan (Allen?) Rickman is playing the caterpillar. ^^

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I have no money.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

*Jedi mind trick* this is a clever title... *EDIT*

I feel like I should update something... I also feel like writing something... but I don't knowwwww.

Let's copy Lisa and do a bullet post, shall we?

  • Halloween - I was kind of upset/surprised that I didn't see a whole lot of people dressed up. But then again I wasn't dressed up so I really can't complain that much. There was a girl in my Japanese class who dressed up as Rainbow Bright so that was cool. It was the slutty costume but she managed to make it non-slutty through layering which I thought was sensible, especially since it's the middle of the day and you're going to class. At a party or whatever, sure, fine, but at class... that's just not good. So I skipped out of English and went home where I watched House of Wax and Ghost Hunters [Live]. We got 11 trick-or-treaters. Not 11 groups, 11 KIDS. I don't blame them, though. Especially after reading that article of the poor kid who was shot to death after knocking on the wrong door. I think, if I have kids, I might not feel safe enough to let them go out trick-or-treating unless I could really trust my neighborhood. I would probably take them to the mall or something like most parents do these days. Anyway, handed out delicious king size candybars to kids and watched Ghost Hunters for about 5-6 hours. Then turned in early... about 11? Maybe that was the night I talked to Minguk too. :(
  • I miss Minguk a lot.
  • School has been giving me a lot of work lately. It's all pretty easy, mostly just reading assignments and design assignments and regular homework assignments, but it tends to accumulate into a lot and I kind of worry that I might forget to do something since that's so like me. Maybe that stresses me out a bit. But not really. I really don't feel stressed at all.
  • Apparently I grind my teeth as I sleep (this has only happened once as far as Ainsley knows but it may have happened while she sleeps too or when I'm not sleeping in the same room as her). So I'm trying to figure out reasons why this would be. I looked up online and it said stuff about oddly aligned teeth and missing teeth and stuff... I don't have any missing teeth (except for the ones that were pulled out but those caps have long since closed) but I kind of have an oddish bite because I think my bottom jaw is moved slightly to the right so they're not perfectly aligned. I really hope it's not because of a weird bite because that is a lot harder (and expensive) to fix that me just being stressed. So I have kind of a list of reasons why i would be stressed out even if I don't feel it (because I think I'm immune to the feeling, which is probably unhealthy)...
    >> I miss Minguk a lot and I worry about him sometimes and I'm sad.
    >> Money
    >> Classwork load
    >> Body image issues (?) (I've always had body image issues, they waver
    and flow, are strong and are weak, but they're always there. Right now
    they're probably somewhere in between.)
    I'm thinking it's probably the first one because everyone stresses out about all the other stuff and yet you don't see everyone having to get their veneers replaced and crowns put on etc. etc. But how to fix it? I don't want to stop thinking about him because that leads to other problems, yet I don't want my teeth to be worn down to sawdust. I talked about this whole long distance business with Megan the other night and I guess I'll just have to wait it out and stay positive and think of happy things. Anyway, I'm stressing (haha) about this a lot because I really like my teeth. I think they're nice. And I don't want to have to get dentures or anything.
  • Anyway... what else? Is there anything else...? I'm going home this weekend because (OMG) Lisa is home! So I will see her and get a special present from Minguk that I'm like peeing my pants over because I'm so excited.
  • I'm hungry.
  • **EDIT** Something I forgot to mention. Our new president! Duh! Obaaaammmaaa!!! I was so excited when I saw on CNN that he is our new president. I ran into my apartment mates' room and started dancing. But they hadn't heard the news yet so they just kind of stared at my funny. Then it announced on the show that Obama is the next president (They were watching Stewart and Colbert) and they got excited too. It was so empowering. It was like a rush of new excitement and hope for the future permiated through my body. Amazing. After Obama's speech I went straight to bed but I'm kind of sad I missed the celebration downtown. Oh well...